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HomeWales WeatherWarning of “Lehman Like” Contagion – Watts Up With That?

Warning of “Lehman Like” Contagion – Watts Up With That?

Essay by Eric Worrall

h/t JoNova; Germany’s renewable coverage impressed vitality insecurity has reached disaster ranges, with Germany’s Vice Chancellor warning of “Lehman like” financial contagion if vitality costs rise any additional.

Germany says its vitality disaster could set off Lehman-like contagion because the nation strikes a step towards to natural-gas rationing

Huileng Tan  
Jun 24, 2022, 3:47 PM

  • Germany’s economic system minister warns of a “market collapse” if natural-gas costs proceed to soar.
  • Germany has triggered the second stage of its three-stage emergency fuel plan on provide fears.
  • That’s after Russia —citing a techincal motive — slowed piped natural-gas provides to Germany.

Germany warned the nation’s vitality disaster could set off a “Lehman impact” throughout the utility sector because it moved one step nearer to rationing pure fuel.

Germany — Europe’s largest economic system — moved into the second of its three-stage emergency fuel plan on Thursday after Russia slowed provides to the nation, exacerbating issues over an vitality crunch. These provide fears have already pushed European pure fuel futures up by 85% year-to-date.

Beneath the second stage of Germany’s emergency fuel plan, utility corporations can go on value will increase to prospects. The federal government is holding again on triggering the clause for now. However Habeck mentioned they might kick in if the availability crunch and value will increase persist, as vitality suppliers that purchase energy on the wholesale market are working up losses and plenty of might in the end fail consequently.

Russian state fuel big Gazprom has reduce natural-gas provides by way of the Nord Stream pipeline to Germany — which additionally goes to the remainder of Europe — by greater than half since final week, citing an gear hold-up in Canada on account of sanctions over the Ukraine battle.

“We mustn’t delude ourselves: slicing fuel provides is an financial assault on us by Putin,” mentioned Habeck in a press release on Wednesday. “It’s clearly Putin’s technique to create insecurity, drive up costs and divide us as a society. We’ll defend ourselves in opposition to this.”

Learn extra:

What was the identify of the previous US President, who warned Germany their inexperienced coverage pushed dependence on Russian fuel would result in catastrophe? I’m certain readers can remind me.

Extra details about the rising vitality chaos in Germany:

19.7% of German individuals struggling vitality poverty
ResearchGate / College of Florence – Energiewende brought about a close to doubling of vitality costs
Germany slicing the renewable vitality surcharge to assist the poor – however not eliminating it
German wooden theft on the rise, as individuals steal wooden to remain heat
Germany might ration fuel this winter

Think about if as an alternative of losing effectively over a decade inflicting ineffective inexperienced vitality failure on their individuals, German’s politicians had spent the final decade facilitating the event of their very own home vitality sources – low-cost and dependable energy from their ample coal, and extra nuclear reactors, which solely have to be refuelled each different 12 months, to insulate their economic system from vitality value shocks just like the German individuals are at present enduring.


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